Thrawn isn’t the only legends character that deserves a canon storyline

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Kal Skirata

Creating thousands upon thousands of clones from a single human’s DNA was not an easy feat, even for a species as scientifically and intellectually advanced as the Kamino natives.

Their first batch of clones didn’t turn out exactly the way they were intended to. If one man hadn’t intervened, they never would have seen combat. And we never would have gotten the video game or novel series that told their story.

The original six clones of Jango Fett would have been destroyed if it weren’t for Kal Skirata. The Kaminoans who created them labeled the squad as defective, but the veteran Mandalorian soldier saw them as something more.

He not only became their combat instructor, but their adopted father figure as well. He turned them into an elite squad of soldiers and taught them all about their Mandalorian heritage, something they came to be proud of as they fought against the Separatist army.

The Null-class clones Skirata trained and fought alongside played a significant role in The Clone Wars as an elite squad of operatives – in the legends universe, anyway. There’s no reason Skirata and his deep connection to Mandalore and its people couldn’t find a place somewhere in the Rise of the Empire era. Like the seventh season of The Clone Wars, perhaps?