14. R2-D2 and C-3PO
I put R2-D2 and C-3PO together because… well, they’re pretty inseparable onscreen. These two droids have seen a lot together; they have a knack for being where the action is, whether it’s in the movies, animated shows, video games, comics and books. While I wouldn’t consider them quite as important as some of the main human characters in the movies, they still play a crucial role.
There’s no denying that C-3PO can be annoying, but he’s also been very useful. He can translate more languages than anyone could possibly use and he’s full of helpful information. He’s useful enough to look past his annoyances and can be funny at times.
R2-D2 is different since you could never really understand him, yet there was always a sense you knew generally what all of his beeps and bloops meant. R2-D2 was a painted trash can, but he had a big personality. People remember him for that.
The two droids have more comedic power together than apart. And while they’re droids, they have some sense of feeling, and can still push the plot forward, as when R2 provides a map to find where Luke is hiding at the end of The Force Awakens.