Star Wars: 10 characters who deserve their own stand alone film

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10: Saw Gerrera – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Played by Forest Whitaker in the first ever stand alone Star Wars film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Saw Gerrera ended up being a bit of a disappointment.

Rogue One had a lot of good going for it, but one thing it fell heavily down on was its character development. To be fair, they did have a ton of new characters to introduce. So I think they were always going to fall down on that part, but they could have done a bit better; especially when it came to Saw Gerrera.

Mainly because we had already been introduced to Saw Gerrera in the animated series The Clone Wars. Both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker had been mentors to him during the Clone Wars and he soon became a leader of his own group of extreme rebels.

So obviously, we all expected a lot from him. We thought we might get some really cool scenes of him and his group taking on the Empire. Maybe coming and saving the day? You know, something like that. Instead, they blew him up. Leaving us a bit annoyed, well, actually more than a bit annoyed, but I have to keep this PG.

However, a standalone film centered on Saw Gerrera would easily make up for all that.

Set around the time he formed his group of rebels and how they came to earn their reputation, or during the time Obi-Wan and Anakin mentored him would be amazing.

How he formed his rebels would probably deliver the better storyline but during the time he was mentored means fans get more Obi-Wan so it is a tough one to call. What would you prefer?