Star Wars: 30 greatest moments not seen in the movies

Star Wars: The Clones Wars. "The Wrong Jedi." Season 5 episode 20. Photo: Lucasfilm.
Star Wars: The Clones Wars. "The Wrong Jedi." Season 5 episode 20. Photo: Lucasfilm.
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Star Wars: Republic: The Battle of JabiimStar Wars: Republic: The Battle of Jabiim
Star Wars: Republic: The Battle of Jabiim. Photo: Lucasfilm.

22. Star Wars: Republic: The Battle of Jabiim

Divided into two parts over four comics, Star Wars: Republic, The Battle of Jabiim might very well be the tipping point of when Anakin really started to turn into Darth Vader, when the Dark Side of the Force took hold. This is perhaps the most important moment in the entire Star Wars universe.

The Battle of Jabiim during the Clone Wars paired the Republic and Jabiim loyalists against Separatists forces. The Separatists, led by Alto Stratus, gain the upper-hand with a massive attack, leaving Obi-Wan missing in action. Left with nothing but a pack of Padawans, Anakin Skywalker is tasked with leading the defense. Almost simultaneously, harsh weather subsides and allows the Republic to reinforce. Subsequently, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine orders Skywalker to evacuate.

Anakin’s turning point

As Skywalker is leaving, his Padawans are left behind to defend a hopeless position. Every last Padawan is killed. His rage and frustration builds, fueling his inner demons that are already at the forefront because of Obi Wan’s apparent death. What happens next proves he is ruled by emotion more than reason. He literally Force chokes one of the loyalists so he can fit in the escape transport. The Jabiimi loyalists naturally don’t take kindly to his actions, and view him a villain before he actually is one.

These comics do a super job of filling in some gaps between films and displaying how Anakin’s inner struggle, combined with influences he doesn’t recognize (hint: Palpatine/Sidious), lead him to the Dark side of the Force.