Star Wars: 30 greatest moments not seen in the movies

Star Wars: The Clones Wars. "The Wrong Jedi." Season 5 episode 20. Photo: Lucasfilm.
Star Wars: The Clones Wars. "The Wrong Jedi." Season 5 episode 20. Photo: Lucasfilm.
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Star Wars: Death Troopers. Photo: Amazon.
Star Wars: Death Troopers. Photo: Amazon.

21. Star Wars: Death Troopers

With hundreds of alien races, including what appears to be an 8-foot tall, 200-year-old, bandolier-wearing dog lookalike, there’s the distinct possibility something else exists out there. Factor in the incredibly magical abilities of various Force-wielding races, and suddenly zombies don’t sound so ridiculous. In fact, zombies are almost a logical extension of all that is bizarre and unexplainable in the Star Wars universe.

Death Troopers is actually an awesome read.

Purists might throw a fit about the inclusion of zombies, but Death Troopers is actually an awesome addition to the franchise. It’s a perfect blend of Lucas and Romero. An Imperial prison barge housing hundreds of the most dangerous criminals in the galaxy encounters mechanical problems far away from help. Floating nearby is a lifeless Star Destroyer. Why is it abandoned and drifting? Furthermore, why did half of the boarding party come back from the Star Destroyer with a disease? The setup for Death Troopers was ample enough to be incredible, but then throw in both Han Solo and Chewbacca and it’s clear author Joe Schreiber was truly enjoying himself while taking Star Wars to such a haunting and gory place.