16. Young Jedi Knights
Divided into three major sections (Young Jedi Knights: The Rise of the Shadow Academy, Young Jedi Knights: The Fall of the Diversity Alliance, and Young Jedi Knights: Under Black Sun), the story of the Young Jedi Knights starts with the first six books of the series that revolves around Han Solo and Princess Leia’s twins (Jacen and Jaina) as they enroll in the Jedi academy and embark on adventures with fellow trainees. The next five books capture their adventures against an assassin droid, a Boba Fett imposter, and an anti-human group named the Diversity Alliance intent on human genocide. The final three books include Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and a mysterious force guiding a newfound ally.
Young Jedi Knights is a young adult Star Wars series that reads a lot like the Ender’s Game series. The young Jedis are in training, learning their abilities and boundaries. Typical emotional themes exist as the new editions to the EU are fully fleshed out.
Anja Gallandro
One of the more interesting inclusions in the Young Jedi Knights series is Anja Gallandro. She believes her father was killed by Han Solo, and the run-in she has with the Solo clan definitely leaves her conflicted. She’s a great character who explores the common literary trope of teenage addiction, which is extremely complex for a character who wields a lightsaber for the Black Sun criminal syndicate.