9. Star Wars: The Approaching Storm
Set prior to Attack of the Clones, the exploration and political tale of Star Wars: The Approaching Storm is a story-driven novel on foreign lands. Jedi Knights, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luminara Unduli are sent to a remote planet of Ansion to protect a delicate political situation. With Jedi Padawans Anakin Skywalker and Barriss Offee along for the mission, the foursome are sent by the Jedi Council to stop the nomadic people of the planet from causing a potential Republic-destabilizing revolt which could cause a secession of 40 other planets to occur. An intergalactic domino theory.
Some of Star Wars: The Approaching Storm reads like an old western story. It’s slow at times, with sweeping landscapes and immaculate detail filling in the gaps. Given the dichotomy between the nomadic tribes of the plains and the urban counterparts, the Jedi’s job seems insurmountable at times. While traveling on alien horses – because of the nomad’s technology qualms – the Jedi take a back seat to the planet’s flora and fauna, particularly the unknown and unforeseen dangers and attacks of such travel. In other words, it’s a foreign world Oregon Trail.
There’s a side hindrance from the Trade and Commerce, who are intent on stopping the Jedi, but it’s supplementary to the excellent tale of Jedi adventure. The Approaching Storm is a unique tale in the typical Star Wars environment and is a great perspective often overlooked in the films.