7. Yoda’s death (Star Wars: Return of the Jedi)
Yoda was one of those characters who just always seemed to be around. One could almost believe that he would live forever. While that obviously wasn’t the case, he did live to be 900 years old. Not bad, I’d say.
Despite Yoda’s old age, his death came at a point when fans were probably hoping that he’d get to spend more time with Luke. He trains Luke just long enough for him to grasp some of the concepts of the Force.
Just before Yoda dies, he drops some more knowledge on Luke, too. He tells him that Darth Vader is, in fact, his father and that he won’t become a Jedi until he confronts him. He also lets Luke know that there’s another Skywalker out there. Yoda then dies after he finishes what he has to tell Luke.
When Yoda dies, his body is one that also disappears right away. This happens because he’s become one with the Force. Despite his death, he still returns as a Force ghost, which we see in The Last Jedi after Rey hears his voice in The Force Awakens. Yoda might be dead, but he still lives on in a sense.