Star Wars: What is the latest title rumor for Episode IX?

There’s so much speculation about the name of Star Wars: Episode IX, a new rumor has sprung up. We look at the potential and meaning for the new name.

We’re not counting down the days to Star Wars: Episode IX … OK we’re counting down the days, but can you blame us? We’re excited and sad at the same time for the end of the Skywalker Saga.

It also seems we’re not the only ones as spoilers, rumors and leaks are heating up as we get closer to the one-year mark for the release of Star Wars: Episode IX.

So, it begs the question … What will the movie be called?

There is so much speculation right now over the title of the movie. In part, helped by the release of the Avengers’ first trailer and title reveal. Yet, also a reddit user Garrett Thomas has posted that he has heard the title of the movie.

If you don’t want to be potentially spoiled, read no further …

Thomas states the title of the is “Son of Darkness.”

If true, that’s actually pretty intense and could refer to several people.

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

Kylo Ren

The obvious person is Kylo Ren. Though calling him the Son of Darkness is a little bothersome to me. He’s the son of Leia and Han Solo – no darkness there.

Leia was the epitome of the light. In a galaxy where she’s been dealt unimaginable heartache, she’s persevered and fought against the darkness at every turn. While Han Solo has been a force in his own right, doing what’s right when needed.

Yes, Kylo Ren has turned to the Dark Side, but he isn’t necessarily the son of darkness. Grandson, maybe. But in the literal sense, certainly not the son.

Luke Skywalker

More from Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

We know Mark Hamill returns for Episode IX. Luke Skywalker is certainly the son of darkness with Darth Vader as his father. Even for all Luke did in the universe and the struggles he faces, he chose light instead of dark.

But it wouldn’t make sense for Luke to be person referred to in the title as The Last Jedi was his movie. It was said that Star Wars: Episode IX was supposed to be Leia’s ultimate movie before the passing of Carrie Fisher.

So it still would make more sense that Kylo Ren is the reference.

Reylo baby

I’m kidding.

But this was branded about in the forums.

None of the above

Well, in reality, it could be none of the above, and also the title might not be accurate. We’ve speculated before on a possible Star Wars: Episode IX movie title, and until Lucasfilm officially tells the world, we’ll probably speculate on it again.

In the meantime, what would be your ideal title for Star Wars: Episode IX?