Review of Vader: A Star Wars Theory Fan Film

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Photo Credit: [Rogue One : A Star Wars Story]Lucasfilm

Star Wars Theory has finally uploaded his Darth Vader Star Wars Fan Film. Here is my review and takeaways from it.

For those of you unfamiliar with Star Wars Theory,  it is a Star Wars fan channel on Youtube, which originally began in July 2016, over the past two plus years, has amassed an impressive 1.2 million subscribers.

The channel is run by just one creator and is known for posting videos of all things Star Wars related, including comic reviews, fan fictions, character analysis, and news updates, just to name a few.

In 2018, SW Theory officially announced that it was going to create a Darth Vader fan film and that the channel’s creator was going to spend $100,000 of his own money to make it. Not only that, while he received a blessing from Lucasfilm to make the movie, he was told that it could not be crowd funded, nor could the final film be monetized on Youtube.

None the less, he proceeded forward in making his fan film not because of financial incentive, but because it was his passion and his dream to create a film portraying the character of Darth Vader in the way he believed it was worthy of.

In just a few short months, Theory put up the necessary funds to get the film made, hired Danny Ramirez to direct it, cast Dupree Jones to portray the infamous Sith Lord and Jesse Gomez to voice him, along with a supporting cast, and finished filming in late September of this year, ready to be edited, with the final film ready to be released less than three months later.

This Vader fan film, which was posted online on Friday, is set to be the first of a six-part series, which the creator hopes to continue making over the next few years.

Star Wars Theory clearly has a passion for the character and truly wants to make this movie for the fans. Lets see just how well it turned out.