The Mandalorian. Photo credit: LucasFilm
2019 is about to be a thrill ride.
Personally, The Mandalorian is the thing that I’m most hyped for. That sounds pretty weird to say, especially since a saga film is coming out this year as well. But hey, that’s where we’re at now with the Star Wars universe – TV shows are to be expected.
Every time something new comes out about The Mandalorian, my smiles gets bigger and bigger. Jon Favreau is about to work wonders, giving us some familiar faces while introducing us to Pedro Pascal’s new bounty hunter. We know that guys like IG-88 and (possibly/probably) Bossk will show up, but what about the Fetts? Obviously not Jango – I think his head is still rolling – but Boba is a real possibility here. Favreau himself is a Mandalorian; remember, he’s Pre Vizsla. Maybe he’ll be sympathetic and bring back some of his own people?
The Mandalorian is gonna be great, but that’s not the only thing on my calendar. I’m really starting to pay attention to this Cassian Andor series. Rogue One was so good, right from the moment Krennic and the Death Troopers walked across that field to Vader’s savage rampage.
Cassian was a really cool character and Diego Luna made him very likable. Another reason to be amped for this show is the off-chance of Vader making an appearance. If the Chosen One is involved, I’m game–I don’t care what it is.
Regardless of your opinion on the Disney Star Wars era, 2019 will catch your attention and, with any luck, keep it.