Star Wars: Episode IX battles will apparently remind you of Pocahontas

If you want to get ready for Star Wars: Episode IX watch Pocahontas. The Disney movie will supposedly reflect how the battles will play out.

The countdown is on. There is less than a year to go until Star Wars: Episode IX is out in theatres and we can’t wait. This time next year we will all be talking about this and that, and how the final installment of the Skywalker saga makes us think of Pocahontas…..apparently.

A Star Wars Leak thread has emerged on Reddit revealing that the upcoming battles in Star Wars: Episode IX will remind you of Pocahontas.

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Now, we have no way of confirming this. And as the original poster pointed out, you have to take this one with a pinch of salt as it’s through a friend of the OP who supposedly works for LucasFilm.

But, if it turned out to be true. What would it look like exactly?

Assuming we are talking about the Disney tale of Pocahontas and not the actual tale, which is horrendous and disturbing. Then we could be looking at an ending that basically sees both sides laying down their arms, and resolving things peacefully.

In the movie, both sides come to an agreement to let each other live in peace after John Smith ends up being shot by his own side while trying to protect the tribe’s leader, Pocahontas’ dad.

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It doesn’t go as down as simply as that. There is a lot of back and forth and build up to it, but keeping it simple, the moral of the story is both sides are ready to go head to head, pumped up on hate, only for love to defuse it all.

So, if that was how things are going to go in Star Wars: Episode IX then I suppose it means Kylo Ren will still be around at the end of it all, as will Rey, and most of the other main characters. And it means there is going to be a peaceful resolution to everything rather than one big epic battle or something.

Yeah, I’m not going to lie. I think this is one Star Wars leak I hope turns out to be false. I think, if things were to play out like that, it would be a huge anti-climax for everyone.

What do you think? Would you like Pocahontas battles? Do you have a different idea of what it could mean? Drop a comment just below sharing your thoughts.