Mark Hamill reveals an interesting, little known fact from Star Wars

In movies things are not always what they seem. That includes Star Wars. Recently Star Wars legend Mark Hamill gave a bit too much information away. So brace yourself.

A New Hope, the Star Wars film that started it all. Still one of the most beloved in the Star Wars film catalog.  Ground breaking special effects. Crazy creatures along with incredible ships.

Along with a great space dog-fight that included a run at the dreaded Death Star. It is there where Mark Hamill spilled the beans. Hamill took part in answering trivia on Twitter when the question was asked.

A Star Wars fan asked Mark if he had any little know facts. He said because of a heatwave in England X-Wing pilots attacked the Death Star with only the top part of their flight suits on. They had no pants on.

So there it is. My childhood took a temporary shot. That is not a visual I needed or wanted for that matter. Still it lives on in the franchise folklore. Those of you on social media and follow Mr. Hamill know how accessible he is to not only fans but everyone.

For future shenanigans and behind-the-scenes goings on Mark Hamill is your guy. Other actors, actresses and directors are not as open. Hamill and his great sense of humor coupled for his genuine love of people freely shares.

Fans can also take part on social media trivia just make sure to check dates and times as they change frequently. May the Force be with you!!