The most hated Star Wars characters of all time

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Photo Credit: [Star Wars: The Last Jedi] Lucasfilm

Supreme Leader Snoke

It may be too early to officially declare Supreme Leader Snoke the worst and most hated Star Wars character that has ever been created. For all we know, he could still have a higher purpose by the end of Episode IX.

But for now, he is one of the most-hated characters in this universe, if not the most disliked of all time. Maybe that has a lot to do with The Last Jedi and people’s opinions about Rian Johnson. Maybe not.

Up until now, Snoke remains mostly a mystery.

We know he somehow lured Kylo Ren to the dark side, but not even the expanded universe material has elaborated on that backstory yet. We also know he promised to complete Kylo Ren’s training, only to die at the hands of two grossly inexperienced Force-users.

(Don’t worry — I’m getting to that.)

But that’s really it. One minute we’re expecting this Big Bad Villain to have Palpatine-level significance, and within a blink oops he’s dead now what?

In all honesty, fans might hate him because he’s portrayed as weak and insignificant. One minute he’s powerful and intelligent enough to drag Rey across his blood red throne room and threaten everything she cares about, and the next he’s apparently too distracted and clueless to notice he’s about to get sliced in half?

I don’t care if he had to die just so we could get that epic lightsaber battle between Reylo and the royal guards, the best fight scene in the sequel trilogy so far (fight me). I didn’t hate the movie, but it annoys me that he was seemingly so easy to kill off and we don’t know if that’s purposeful or not and may never know at all.

If we learned anything from previous fan reactions to Star Wars happenings, loud fans don’t like not being given all the answers. Snoke died before we really learned anything about him, and that might just be enough for a lot of people to hate his existence.

Next. Star Wars: Did Snoke die to gain more power in death?. dark

Did your least favorite Star Wars character make the list?