Star Wars: Episode IX rumor: Matt Smith to play Knight of Ren not The Emperor


Who Matt Smith will play in Star Wars: Episode IX is up for debate and the latest rumor is he will not play The Emperor but one of the Knights of Ren.

A little while ago. We reported the Star Wars: Episode IX  rumor about Matt Smith being rumored to play a Young Emperor Palpatine. A new rumor has since emerged claiming this is not the case, and he is actually in fact, playing one of the Knights of Ren.

The Knights of Ren have long been anticipated ever since we got the first glimpse of them in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. They didn’t surface in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, a huge disappointment to many, but it looks like they definitely will appear in Episode IX.

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And if the rumor is true. Matt Smith will be one of them. This rumor comes out of Pinewood Studios. It first appeared on Reddit, and has since been taking down, but there was plenty to take away from it.

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Of course, none of the details have been confirmed by Star Wars and they are unlikely to be confirmed. The source, however, has split the fandom. With some claiming the details leaked, including Matt Smith playing one of the Knights of Ren, are all made up. But some support the original posters claims sighting they have a track record of releasing reliable information.

So take this with a pinch of salt.

It would more sense if Matt Smith did play one of the Knights of Ren. The former Doctor Who and The Crown actor playing a Young Emperor Palpatine, while it would have been awesome, does present some problems in regards to how the story would play out.

Unless we get official confirmation, either via an official announcement or trailer, we will just have to wait until the movie is released at the end of the year to see who he plays. But, if you were looking forward to seeing Matt Smith as Young Emperor Palpatine. You might want to brace yourself for that not to be the case.

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What do you think? Do you think Matt Smith is playing one of the Knights of Ren? Young Emperor Palpatine or someone else? Drop a comment just below sharing your thoughts.