Photo credit: LucasFilm
For every “Oh dear” and cry to R2-D2 for help, there were moments where C-3PO had proven himself to be far more than he appeared. Anakin Skywalker might have had a smaller destiny planned for the protocol droid when he found him however fate decided otherwise.
C-3PO will always be seen as comic relief. He was the frantic one compared to R2-D2 and sometimes didn’t know when to keep certain information to himself. However, he had many moments where he was more than wires and metal.
He was loyal to Luke, aided him and the Rebels multiple times and even put the fate of others before himself. C-3PO acted practically human. So often, in fact, it was difficult to remind ourselves that he wasn’t. He was very relatable in that there will be times to be scared and times to be smart.
The Star Wars film franchise owes a great deal to him as every character truly played their part in ensuring victory over The Empire. With the final film drawing near, fans are curious about how C-3PO’s story will end. Anthony Daniels’s tweet in January of this year hinted that the next film will be C-3PO’s last.
Most recently he has been assisting Leia as she leads the Resistance against the First Order. Will he risk his life to save Leia’s? Or perhaps his dear friend R2-D2? Regardless of anyone’s guess, C-3PO will be remembered for the laughs and facepalms for years to come.
To read more about C-3PO click here.
What did you think of this list? What are some of your best C-3PO moments? Leave your answers in the comment section below. I’d love to read them!