Star Wars: Episode IX rumor: Millennium Falcon expected to get a new look…again

According to the latest rumor, The Millennium Falcon is expected to get a new look in Star Wars: Episode IX thanks to what happened in The Last Jedi.

Star Wars needs to find some reason to sell us a new toy right? And what better way than to give the Millennium Falcon a new look in Star Wars: Episode IX? I think, if my math is correct, this will be the fifth look the Millennium Falcon has had, assuming the rumor is correct.

The rumor comes via Fantha Tracks, who are well known for providing reliable rumors. Fantha Tracks where notified that fans could expect the Millennium Falcon to have a new look after what happened in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

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Towards the end of The Last Jedi, the sensor array on the Millennium Falcon, which had a Corellian Corvette-style rectangular look to it, was destroyed by a First Order TIE Fighter. The sensor first appeared on the Falcon in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

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You can be forgiven for completely missing this moment. As there was a lot going on as the Falcon flew through the caverns of Crait.

That damage is now fixed, and in its place, a new six-sided dish has been installed. It is expected to be in the exact same place as the original destroyed dish from The Last Jedi. To give us an idea of what the Falcon will look like come Star Wars: Episode IX, Fantha Tracks has created an artist rendition based on the description they were given. You can see that for yourself just here.

What do you think of the new look for the most famous ship in the Galaxy? Drop a comment just below sharing your thoughts.