Star Wars: 25 most empowering female characters of all-time

Daisy Ridley as Rey in Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019). Photo by Lucasfilm/Lucasfilm Ltd. - © 2019 and TM Lucasfilm Ltd.
Daisy Ridley as Rey in Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019). Photo by Lucasfilm/Lucasfilm Ltd. - © 2019 and TM Lucasfilm Ltd. /
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princess leia
Princess Leia Organa was one of the greatest leaders of the Rebel Alliance, fearless on the battlefield and dedicated to ending the Empire’s tyranny. Photo courtesy of Lucasfilm. /

1. Leia

Leia of Alderaan. The original.

When Star Wars came out in 1977, Leia was the person all women wanted to be and a number of others’ first crushes. She had style with her cinnamon bun hairdo and flowy white robes and spunk.

She stared down Darth Vader and Tarkin in the face of danger. When they destroyed Alderaan, she still didn’t cave despite the unspeakable tragedy she witnessed. She also didn’t cower when Luke, dressed as a stormtrooper, came into her cell. Instead, she gave him a little sass.

Leia saved herself and others, not waiting to be rescued. While living in a world with damsels in distress, Leia told everyone it was OK to save yourself.

They didn’t call her the Huttslayer for no reason.

She built walls around herself making it difficult for people to get in, but you couldn’t blame her. Leia’s life started in tragedy, but she was surrounded by love her whole life.

From her mother to her adoptive parents and then to finally a scoundrel. Leia had that way about her.

For someone who already fought against the Empire and won, she didn’t hesitate to get back into it. She became General Organa of the Resistance, going up against the First Order even though her son was one of the highest ranking members of that faction.

We talked about a great sense of purpose for others, but no one has a greater idea of what is right and good than Leia. She saw the good in others and inspired them to seek that out in themselves.

If we all could see ourselves the way Leia saw others, perhaps there wouldn’t be as much fighting in the universe.

Even until the end, Leia inspired others and not with blasters or star destroyers, but with her words. She got that from her mother.

The 25 most influential Star Wars characters. light. Related Story

What female Star Wars characters have inspired and empowered you over the years? Did they make the list?