17. Lyra Erso
We didn’t get to see too much of Lyra Erso in Rogue One, but one thing that was clear from her role in the movie was her love for her family. She ran off to a secluded world with her husband and daughter for their protection.
But we really learned more about in the novel Catalyst, which followed her and Galen’s life before the events of Rogue One. Lyra was a geologist, who had a different type of life long before she met her future husband.
Lyra was a force. She was headstrong, smart and willing to fight to the end of the world for her family. Lyra gave birth to Jyn while in captivity, but managed to get out with the help of an old “friend.”
Even when Lyra realized that her husband was in danger and working on something awful (AKA the Death Star), she managed to keep her wits and come up with a plan to get Galen and Jyn away from the Empire. She gave strength and hope to those around her.
Even though Jyn didn’t get the time she needed with her mother, she certainly picked up many of her traits. Lyra was an inspiration and woman who helped shaped a hero of the Rebellion.