Remembering Star Wars: The Droids Animated Series


The Clone Wars and Rebels weren’t the only animated series in Star Wars’ history. George Lucas had created others decades ago.

The Star Wars universe was not nearly the size it is today back in 1985. Saturday morning cartoons were a way of life, and the franchise did offer something new and different with its first cartoon series: Star Wars: The Droids Animated Series.

George Lucas developed this show shortly after Return of the Jedi wrapped post production. The  concept of the Droids series was R2-D2 and C3PO would spend their time wandering around the galaxy in search of new “masters.”

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There was no Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie in the cartoon, or any other notable Star Wars character for that matter. One thing the series did have going for it was Anthony Daniels agreed to return and voice C3PO for the series, which was nice to hear his voice in a new setting.

Some of the movie ships and vehicles managed to show up at time. Return of the Jedi’s speeder bikes, only instead of a planet with trees and other greenery’s they were used on a desert planet. There were also Stormtroopers in the series as well.

Droids lasted thirteen episodes. To go back and watching them is both odd and a bit nostalgic. If you are a fan of newer cartoons, droids falls short of today’s animation. That said if you like to walk down memory lane then I suggest checking out The Droids Animated Series.

Dark Horse comics released a series of eight Droids comics in the early 1990s if you want to keep up on the droids in another fashion.

While not a great cartoon series, one thing Droids did was introduce fans to a bigger universe, which ended up being a vast one.

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Do you remember The Droids Animated Series? What’s your favorite memory of the short-lived series?