Star Wars Celebration provides a great app for fans at show and at home


Star Wars Celebration has an app for the signature event, but it’s great for people at the show or even at home.

For Star Wars celebration it is a time for fans to get closer to the Star Wars universe, actors and actresses as well as others. If you are lucky enough to attend it is a great time. If not fans can download the mobile app for free and enjoy some of the festivities.

The app also fans to pre-plan their days if they are attending. You can see exactly who is going to be at the hotly anticipated event. As well as check to see how long lines are. The app features include art show, which brings you closer to Star Wars artists fans can check out their art work.

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Also on the app are exhibitors, guests, pin trading, FAQs and more.

One of the best features is that fans can listen in to panel. Needless to say fans can follow along on social media as well, but the app covers it all.

The messages is a nice feature as well. One more great thing the app brings is fans no matter where they are fans are going to have access to exclusive celebration merchandise. No more seeing someone who was at Celebration with something you’d like to have. The app allows fans to look, find and buy with minimal effort. A great way to satisfy all Star Wars fans.

The Star Wars Celebration app is a must have for all fans. Ready to download the app? Click here to get it.

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Fans everywhere can enhance their Star Wars experience and enjoy the yearly event.