Matching 50 Star Wars characters with each of the 50 states
By Kara Hedash
29. Bistan – Oregon
The coastal state of Oregon has a very diverse landscape, but it’s primarily known for its dense forest and mountain peaks. Due to its deep forests, the state is a leading producer of timber. It also houses a multitude of wildlife. The rainforest section of the state would make a great home for Bistan.
The character, Bistan, was a member of the Rebel Alliance and participated in the Battle of Scarif in Rogue One. He fought to liberate his homeworld before joining the rebel forces to fight against the Galactic Empire. Bistan supported Jyn Erso’s efforts and later served as a door-gunner of a Blue Squadron U-Wing reinforcement team. The Battle of Scarif would seal his fate as he and his crew were killed but he was a memorable character during his short time on screen.
Bistan would feel at home in the forests of Oregon as they would resemble his home planet Iakar. The Iakaru species has keen eyesight and quick reflexes, including the ability to swing through trees. They are short in stature but fierce in nature. Bistan was referred to as “space monkey” but he could also resemble many creatures that reside in the forests of Oregon.