20. Kit Fisto
As the Galactic Republic started coming to an end, Kit Fisto was one of the Jedi Masters who fought long and hard during the Clone Wars. Kit Fisto took part in the Mission to Vassek 3, the Battle of Mon Cala and most notably, the Battle of Geonosis.
Kit Fisto is someone who is familiar with loss since his Padawan Nahdar Vebb died when the two of them encountered General Grievous during the Mission to Vassek 3. Kit was able to escape with his life due to his fighting skills, but it was a close call.
General Grievous is a tough opponent because he can wield more lightsabers at once than most others can. He also had his Magnaguards intervene, which made things a bit uneven. Doesn’t exactly seem like a fair fight, does it? Then again, war isn’t always fair.
In the Battle of Geonosis, Kit was also one of the few Jedi to make it out alive. This battle marked the beginning of the Clone Wars, which meant that the fight wasn’t going to end anytime soon. This was a tough blow to the Jedi Council, but anyone who made it out alive had both luck and skill on their side
Kit’s death came at the hands of Palpatine. He and Mace Windu went to arrest the Chancellor once Anakin informed them that he was a Sith Lord. At that moment, Kit was able to briefly hold off Palpatine, but ultimately all four Jedi were killed by him. It doesn’t diminish how great fo a fighter Kit was, it just puts into perspective how powerful Palpatine was.