Matching Star Wars characters with their Game of Thrones counterparts

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Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977). Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd., All Rights Reserved

Princess Leia and Sansa Stark

Princess Leia and Sansa Stark are two characters that are strong leaders and great strategical minds.

In Star Wars, Leia is the heart and soul of the Rebellion. She believes she is fighting for the right cause to make the galaxy a much better and safer place. She uses her leadership qualities that contribute to the eventual fall of the Empire.

As for Sansa Stark, she as well is a great leader. She may not do the kind of fighting in the battlefield that Leia does, but she has been through a lot, and knows what it takes to win battles. Sansa has been through so much, and her character has incredible development throughout Game of Thrones, which leads to her eventually being the Queen in the North.

Sansa and Leia are so smart, which is why it seems appropriate to compare the two characters. Deep down, they know what it takes to win a battle. They both have confidence and belief, which are two main keys to their successes.

Plus, the experiences of Leia and Sansa are key to their achievements within their respected franchise.

Princess Leia and Sansa Stark are two characters that you want to have on your side. They know what it takes to win, which is why they are so successful.