4. Luke and Han take down the Death Star
Movie: Episode IV – A New Hope
Characters involved: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo
The galaxy was already in the middle of a Civil War during A New Hope. Luke Skywalker became fully involved in the tension between the Rebel Alliance and Empire after learning about Jedi Knights. He also met a few new allies in Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, and Leia Organa.
When the Rebels got their hands on the plans for the Death Star, they plan to attack before Grand Moff Tarkin can destroy more planets. Luke was all-in with joining the Rebels in their efforts, but the same didn’t go for Han. After succeeding with his initial task, he accepted payment and decided to leave without getting involved. In the end, he couldn’t turn his back on the Rebels so he had a change of heart.
Luke joined the X-wing fighter squadron in the mission to destroy the Death Star. The squadron suffered many losses after Darth Vader ordered his Imperial TIE fighters to return fire. Han showed up just in time to save Luke and gave him enough time to use to the Force to destroy the Death Star. The attack killed many of the Imperial forces including Tarkin. After the battle, Luke and Han were awarded medals for their heroism.