3. The Battle of Endor
Movie: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
Characters involved: Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire
The Battle of Endor was the most important fight between the Rebels and the Empire. It went on to become the battle that decided the outcome of the Galactic Civil War. Without the victory from the Rebels, the future of the galaxy could have turned out much different.
The Rebel Alliance split into two forces for the attack on Endor, a ground team and a space fleet. Han Solo and Princess Leia were key members on the ground team of Endor. They planned to infiltrate the shield generator for the second Death Star, but were met by an army of Imperials. Thanks to the Ewoks’ counterattack, they were able to successfully make their move.
In the air, the Rebels were led by Lando Calrissian and Nien Nunb piloting the Millennium Falcon. For much of the space battle, the shield was still up so the fleet had to hold off the Imperial TIE fighters.
After the shield generator was detonated, Admiral Ackbar got the fleet into formation. Lando led the charge against the Death Star’s main reactor, eventually destroying the station. The remaining leaders of the Empire were finally killed, ending the long-running Civil War.