24. Wicket befriends Leia
Movie: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
Characters involved: Leia Organa, Wicket, Imperial scouts
Since Princess Leia was always a leader of the Alliance, it was always exciting to see her fight directly with her fellow Rebels. She became very involved in Return of the Jedi and the various battles against the Empire, especially with the conflict on Endor.
The Rebel Alliance planned an assault on Endor because it housed the second Death Star. Leia agreed to help Han Solo with his attack despite Mon Mothma advising against her involvement. While on in the forests of Endor, she and Luke encountered stormtroopers who they chased on stolen speeder bikes. They effectively took down the troopers but the pair were separated before Leia crashed.
While unconscious, Leia was met by Wicket, an Ewok native to Endor. Wicket woke her up and helped her fight off more Imperial ground scouts. Along their way to Wicket’s village, they also came upon more Ewoks being held hostage from stormtroopers. Leia and Wicket save the Ewoks which solidified the furry creatures’ new trust in their human friend. The Ewoks presented Leia with a gift, but their loyalty in the future battle went on to be a game changer.