If you haven’t started your countdown to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, now would be a good time to let the fun begin.
It’s hard to believe The Rise of Skywalker is only 100 days away.
Not that long ago in a galaxy not at all far, far away — or so it seems — we found out Disney and Lucasfilm would be making more Star Wars movies. This was something we thought would never happen. For so long, Revenge of the Sith was The End.
All we knew back then was that we were getting another trilogy. But that was more than enough to get our nerd hearts excited for what was to come.
Now, that trilogy is coming to an end. But that’s not the only “end” we’re getting. We’re also getting the end of the Skywalker saga. The whole thing. Forty-two years after the release of the movie that started it all, we’re going to see the film that brings everything full circle.
Maybe, finally, there will be balance in the Force.
This is a big deal. Which is why more Star Wars media is being released in the next 100 days than has possibly been released in a single year ever since all this began.
There are books and comics for varying ages. New TV shows. There’s even a Star Wars video game on the horizon.
It’s a great time to be a Star Wars fan.
Here are the highlights of what’s to come in the next few months.
Even if you’re not a huge fan of comic books, some of the stories we have seen in the Age of Resistance and similar series lately have been worth checking out. If nothing else, keep an eye out for our reviews of the important stories to come.
- October 9 – Allegiance is part of the Journey to the Rise of Skywalker series. The miniseries will chronicle the Resistance’s efforts to round up as many resources as possible in preparation for facing the First Order one last time.
- November 26 – Age of Resistance: Heroes is your chance to collect the stories told in this series in one trade paperback book.
- December 3 – Age of Resistance: Villains collects the stories of your (least) favorite villains to prepare you for whatever is going to happen on December 20 (at this point, who knows?).