Tam and the First Order
In what is probably the most signidicant moment of the episode happens in the final moments. Tam has left the Colossus to join the First Order. She pledges her alleigiance to them by saying she is tired of being lied to and she understands the First Order is trying to bring order and safety to the galaxy.
I guess she doesn’t know about Hosnian Prime because there is no safety and order when something that terrible occurs.
Even as Tam states her feelings, there is a small part that made you hope she didn’t actually mean it.
Perhaps she saw that while Kaz and Yeager’s action weren’t perfect, at the very least they are fighting for the good guys.
No. Instead, Tam slides a First Order helmet on.
She’s more excited to become a pilot and get in a cockpot than actually thinking how her actions are going to effect the greater good.