Breaking Vader’s mask
In The Force Awakens, Darth Vader’s mask was a symbol for Kylo. At the time, it felt as though he used it as a way to fuel his hatred. It was his link to the dark side while he struggled with his emotions.
We didn’t get to see it in The Last Jedi, but we already knew it was coming back in Episode IX.
You may have missed it in the trailer. It was in for just a second, but it was such as remarkable scene that you should go back and watch it again.
Rey and Kylo Ren take their lightsabers and strike down the pedestal holding the charred Vader mask. While we have no idea the context behind this moment, it’s so incredibly powerful. The vision is important because it marks the end of Vader’s involvement in the Star Wars galaxy.
If they strike it down together as a team and not in an accident in the middle of skirmish, it lends credence that Ben Solo emerges over Kylo Ren.
While Vader’s helmet is gone, we’ll have to wait just how it happens.