15 greatest Star Wars rivalries of all time

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Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980). Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd., All Rights Reserved
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980). Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd., All Rights Reserved

12. Han Solo and Lando Calrissian

Han’s friendship never seem to be fully guaranteed, nor was his buddy Lando’s. Lando and Han first meet through Qi’ra’s introduction during their mission to smuggle coaxium for Crimson Dawn. Han is in desperate need of a ship and Lando happens to have the best in the galaxy: the infamous Millennium Falcon. Both gamblers, Hand convinces Lando to bet his ship in a game of cards.

Lando, by cheating like any retired smuggler would do, wins the game but still decides to join the mission, enticed by Qi’ra and by Han’s promise to share some of the profits. When the mission goes south, Lando hops in his precious Falcon and jets the heck out of there. But of course, Han tracks Lando down and wins the Falcon back from Lando after outwitting him by stealing the card Lando used to cheat with.

Lando and Han’s friendship seems to always be purely circumstantial. If there’s something to be mutually gained, they don’t mind working together. But since both always want to land on top of their deals, pining for the better end of every stick, Han and Lando’s rivalry (while often petty) never really ends.

But as adults in Episode V, Lando seems to have grown a conscious with age and, despite having originally betrayed Han, Leah and Luke by offering up their lives and his city to Darth Vader, a conflicted Lando turns his ship around and saves the group just in time. While this might look like true friendship, Lando’s actions are probably more based around the mindset that the enemy of his enemy is his friend.