15 greatest Star Wars rivalries of all time

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Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999). Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd., All Rights Reserved
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999). Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd., All Rights Reserved /

13. Anakin Skywalker and Gardulla the Hutt/Qui-Gon Jinn and Gardulla the Hutt

Anakin practically made a career out of making enemies during his time as a Jedi. But as a child, Anakin was focused on helping others and trying to make the best out of the rotten situation he and his mother Shmi were forced into: being slaves for Gardulla the Hut.

Anakin’s rivalry with his slave owner stemmed primarily from him desiring a better life for his mother rather than just for himself. Even being so young, Anakin cared for his mother almost like a parent and tried to negotiate as much as he could from Gardulla to benefit himself and his mother, such as spare machine parts to help build a Podracer.

Anakin can’t overcome Gardulla as a child because he lacked leverage. That is, until Qui-Gon Jinn comes on the scene and takes an interest in the humble family. In a secret deal just before Anakin’s Pod Race, Qui-Gon makes a deal with Gardulla (using the Force) to secure the freedom of Anakin and his mother should Anakin win the race. Gardulla agrees to free Anakin, but not his mother.

In Episode II, Anakin, now a young Jedi, returns to his home on Tatooine to find Shmi and rescue her from slavery, but Gardulla admits that he sold her off. This Star Wars rivalry is one of the most bitter, the neglectful and greedy Gardulla being a product of the society allowed to thrive under the current Order, one that reflects our real-world problems with human trafficking today.