15 greatest Star Wars rivalries of all time

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Star Wars: Episode IX; Reylo
Photo credit: Lucasfilm/Star Wars: The Last Jedi /

6. Rey and Kylo Ren

Fast forwarding to the more recent Star Wars films, Kylo Ren, son of Han Solo and Princess Leah, is involved in a unique rivalry that might be developing into something along the lines of romance.

With Rey leading the charge in bringing back the Jedi Knights and Kylo set on destroying all the original orders to create something new, these characters were destined to be enemies from the start. Rey holds tradition very dear, but Kylo has been betrayed by members of his family — like Luke — and harbors a resentment for the things his family values.

But while Rey and Kylo share very different views on how things should be done, they also have a keen interest in one another, made more obvious when their minds became connected over space and time in the latest installment and they share lengthy conversations about love, family, loyalty and letting the past die to become what they were meant to be.

It’s been a tug-of-war rivalry between these two, though at first they had an active hate for one another. But Rey seems to be softening Kylo’s icy exteriror and Kylo is teaching Rey about not accepting the Jedi ways with such blind devotion. Kylo might have saved Rey from their last battle with Snoke, but will he intend to kill her the next time they meet? The line between love and hate is thin with these two.