Finn is one of our original three characters of the sequel trilogy. He’s had such tremendous growth with his character becoming one of the first stormtroopers we have seen without a helmet to becoming a leader in the Resistance.
He’s come close to death before.
In The Last Jedi, Finn went on a suicide run on Crait in an attempt to save his friends. He was saved when Rose knocked his ship out of the way of the deadly path.
Yet it showed that Finn isn’t afraid to die especially if it means fighting for the people he cares about. Who could imagine that this man who doesn’t have a family he even remembers would find people to connect with to the point that he would die for them?
That’s what I love about Finn’s character.
Having said all that, it’s one of the things that makes me worry about him too. We have seen him in the trailer riding to fight with Jannah. Does this mean he is riding to his death?
Hopefully not, but Finn is certainly a possibility as he will be in the middle of the war with blasters blazing.