10 Star Wars movies that need to happen after The Rise of Skywalker

Emilia Clarke is Qi’ra and Alden Ehrenreich is Han Solo in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.
Emilia Clarke is Qi’ra and Alden Ehrenreich is Han Solo in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY. /
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Star Wars
General Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) and Rey (Daisy Ridley) in STAR WARS: EPISDOE IX /

2. Raising Leia

Speaking of Princess Leia, there’s also very little Star Wars fans know about the second Skywalker twin’s upbringing. We get a small taste of Luke’s life as a farmer’s son on the planet of Tatooine. But the first time audiences meet Leia, her whole planet gets blown to smithereens shortly after.

Adopted by the royal family of Alderaan, there’s so much about how Leia was raised that we don’t know. Did she have an affinity for politics like her mother early on? Or was that born out of necessity when Vader entered the picture? Leia is shown to have plenty of spunk and a stubborn attitude early on in A New Hope, but Padme — as powerful, wise and direct as she was — was always soft-spoken and level-headed.

Leia seems to take after her father when it comes to wanting to confront problems right away and head-on. Or were there political events that took place on Alderaan that made Leia the way she is?

One can’t help but wonder what is was like raising a young princess like Leia. It would also be interesting to see if Leia had gained the love and admiration of her planet’s people as much as Padme had from those on Naboo. We’d love a movie that included her parents, including Bail Organa, bringing up this legendary figure.