Star Wars: What your favorite movie character says about you

"Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (Alec Guinness), and Han Solo (Harrison Ford) in the Millennium Falcon. ? Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved."
"Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (Alec Guinness), and Han Solo (Harrison Ford) in the Millennium Falcon. ? Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved."

Star Wars has a profusive list of characters and everyone has their favorite, so here’s a quick analysis of what your favorite character says about you.

As with any story ever told, different consumers are drawn to different characters, and for Star Wars, the plethora of personalities has led to more than one spirited debate about which character is best.

With the light side and dark side a major dividing point in and of itself, there are plenty of other Star Wars character debates to consider: Luke or Leia? C-3PO or R2-D2? So on and so forth. But there are definitely going to be similar traits within people who favor the same characters, and this little diddy is designed to dig into who you are as a person based on who you most enjoy seeing in that galaxy far, far away.

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Of course, this is also going to be wildly inaccurate for just about all of you, but for the few that it does strike a chord with, you will nod, begin an introspective journey, and have your life changed forever. You’re welcome.

Luke Skywalker—You wear sunglasses indoors.
Darth Vader—“Total Eclipse of the Heart” is your most-played song on iTunes.
Han Solo—You relished telling your kids that Santa isn’t real.
Chewbacca—You could live on Hot Pockets and Mountain Dew Code Red.
C-3PO—You physically cannot go No. 2 in public restrooms.
R2-D2—You dream of a career in ding-dong-ditching.
Princess Leia—You’ve baptized your cats.
Anakin Skywalker—You celebrate your half-birthday the same as you do your actual birthday.
Obi-Wan Kenobi—You’ve considered becoming a drug dealer because people already mistake you for one.
Jar-Jar Binks—You accidentally always tie your shoelaces in bowline knots.
Yoda—You believe that Crocs are shoes too.
Padme—You can’t seem to master the art of the friend zone.
Boss Nass—Interjections are your favorite kind of words.
Lando Calrissian—You can taste the difference between Coors Light and Bud Light.
Jabba the Hutt—The #MeToo movement makes you really uncomfortable.
Emperor Palpatine—You vehemently believe in the Oxford comma.
Boba Fett—The Shakeweight is the only gym membership you’ll ever own.
Admiral Ackbar—You don’t trust your calculator.
Qui-Gon Jinn—You thought Listerine Pocketpaks were going to be a bigger deal.
Kylo Ren—You really, really miss high school.
Rey—You think that Hillary can still win the 2016 election.
Rose—Your soul resides in the Tim Burton cinematic universe.
Captain Phasma—You cheat at Solitaire.
Mace Windu—You believe that your slow-pitch softball league is being scouted by numerous MLB scouts.
Grand Moff Tarkin—You lecture your dogs about not picking up their toys.
Hux—You Facebook stalk your middle school bully.
BB-8—You refuse to use a spoon as anything other than a catapult.
Poe Dameron—Your toiletries are exclusively Axe.
Jyn Erso—You haven’t eaten processed sugar since 2004
Cassian Andor—You like your shirts like you like your dogs—frilly and small.
K2SO—You already have a pen name, just in case you become a writer.
Orson Krennic—You peaked in seventh grade.
Chirrut Imwe—You had at least one Rothko in your college dorm.
Baze Malbus—You had at least one Rage Against The Machine poster in your college dorm.
Bodhi Rook—You had at least one empty pizza box in your college dorm.
Saw Gerrera—You hate being alone with yourself.
Supreme Leader Snoke—You need to seek help immediately. This is not a drill.

How did we do? What does your favorite Star Wars character say about you?