Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is just a few days, or if you prefer, hours away. Here are a few things from the Force Awakens that should appear in the film.
The Force Awakens was a film many fans had been waiting for all of their lives to see. After growing up watching the Original Trilogy and then for some suffering through the disappointing Prequels, the promise of what happens to Han, Leia, and Luke after Return of the Jedi was a question that many fans had been dying to see unfold on the big screen.
For the most part, JJ Abrams knocked The Force Awakens out of the park. Some say it is too similar to A New Hope, and while parts of that are true, it is its own unique story that not only respects what came before it but adds some fascinating new elements to the Star Wars saga.
The Force Awakens was the start of a new trilogy that comes to an end this week with The Rise of Skywalker. Not only is that movie the end of this three-part series of films, but it is the end of the entire nine-chapter story of the Skywalkers. Being that final chapter, it is surely going to have nods to all the movies that came before it, including Episode VII. So here are three things from The Force Awakens that should be in The Rise of Skywalker.