The Mandalorian: A wishlist for future seasons of the Disney+ series

Pedro Pascal is The Mandalorian in the Disney+ series THE MANDALORIAN.
Pedro Pascal is The Mandalorian in the Disney+ series THE MANDALORIAN. /
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Star Wars
“Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (Alec Guinness), and Han Solo (Harrison Ford) in the Millennium Falcon. ? Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.” /

Luke Skywalker

Of the many characters and places that would be nice to see in future episodes of this series, the one that would make the greatest wish-fulfillment (other than Boba or Yoda) would be Luke Skywalker. Consider the following, if you will.

The timeline of this story falls perfectly in with that same time period when Luke was recruiting members of the New Jedi Order. The Child would be an ideal recruit that someone like Luke would want to know about and train. Also, with the Mandalorian seeking to make contact with the Jedi, it seems like an ideal fit, story-wise, that these three characters should cross paths.

Just because the Skywalker saga has ended for the films, that doesn’t mean that it should prevent this character from making an appearance in this series. Since this story takes place roughly five years after Return of the Jedi, Luke would be considerably younger.

Also his character would be more optimistic. Plus, with the aid of de-aging technology, it could be possible to have Mark Hamill play a younger version of himself. So, let’s do it Favreau, gives us fans the best cameo of all. You know you want to.

Do you agree? Disagree? What would you love to see happen in future episodes of The Mandalorian ? Please feel free to leave your ideas and suggestions in the comments section below. As always, May the Force Be With You!

Next. Season Two of The Mandalorian arrives Fall of 2020. dark

The Mandalorian is currently streaming on Disney+.