5. Tusken Raiders
I still hold to my belief that Tusken Raiders are some of the coolest creatures in the Star Wars universe. Who else sits in the stands at a pod race and takes pot shots at the racers? And while they had always looked like a crazy, bloodthirsty people, seeing their women and children, who Anakin of course killed, added a new dimension.
Plus, we saw in A New Hope the Tusken Raiders had a certain reverence for Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I’m excited to explore how that happened and, better yet, if there is some sort of peaceful interaction with these warmongers.
Kenobi is known for his level-headedness, so it’s safe to say he won’t pull an Anakin and go on a rampage. I just want to see what it looks like when a human being has a conversation with a Tusken Raider.
On to No. 4.