6 Things we want to see in the upcoming Obi-Wan series

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Star Wars
Photo: Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977).. © Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. /

4. Obi-Wan And Owen Argue Over Luke

Obi-Wan might’ve been Anakin’s best friend, but Owen Lars was the Jedi-turned-Sith Lord’s step-brother and guardian to his famous step-sibling’s son. We know Obi-Wan placed Luke with Owen and Beru and watched over him, however there’s more to the story than what we saw onscreen.

In a comic series, Owen forbids Obi-Wan to go near his nephew, fearing that his step-brother’s former mentor would get the boy killed. We know Kenobi thought the world of Anakin and to lose him was more than heartbreaking for him. It destroyed him internally and he felt that if he watched and protected Luke, he could prevent a cycle from occurring.

When the Obi-Wan series was originally going to be a movie, Joel Edgerton who played Owen in the prequels said he would be more than happy to come back. However, it’s unclear if he’ll return to a series. It might just be a one-off special appearance for an episode that revolves around Luke, for example.

Though, if this does happen, we can guess that the two men will argue over Luke’s safety and like the comic, Owen will explode saying the Jedi has killed enough Skywalkers. If Owen’s words in A New Hope were any indication, he has no love for Obi-Wan. It’s also unclear if he ever learned what actually happened to Anakin. If he did, this might come up in an argument between them.