The Sequel Trilogy brought back some beloved characters of the Original Trilogy but introduced us to plenty of new ones. Here are the nine best characters in Star Wars: Episodes VII-IX.
The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy is in the books but the debating has just begun.
Fans around the world can now debate every little detail about the film. Many already have with some taking their hate of this new trilogy way too far, while others defend it with each and every breath they take.
Love it or hate it the Sequel Trilogy was an entertaining ride that brought us new Force powers, aliens, planets, and of course characters.
We were introduced to a plethora of new characters in the latest and supposedly final episodes of the Star Wars saga. Some were evil, some were good, and some walked in the middle claiming allegiance to neither the Resistance nor the First Order. So here is a list of the nine very best characters in the Sequel Trilogy. We will count them down from least best, to the one that tops them all.