The acclaimed The Clone Wars series has effectively brought together Star Wars fans of all ages. Despite being an animated series, the show deals with numerous heavy and mature themes that might resonate more with adults than children.
You would be forgiven if you initially dismissed The Clone Wars series after the release of The Clone Wars movie. It felt more aimed at ages 7-10 than the ageless content that made Star Wars a phenomenon. However, the TV series has proven to be a hit that manages to connect the inherent silliness of a cartoon to the serious and dark subject matter that a show about wartime should ultimately deal with.
There’s a belief (an extremely narrow-minded one) that cartoons are for children—they shouldn’t be taken seriously. Cartoons remain a vehicle for surreal visuals, humor, and the majority are designed for children.
That doesn’t mean they can’t be enjoyed by adults.
The Clone Wars perfectly represents this notion. Appealing to more mature themes through more mature episodes was absolutely necessary, especially since this show is a direct prequel to the events of Revenge of the Sith, one of the darkest films in the Star Wars saga.
Because the overall plot of the show is, in fact, about wartime, the cartoon needed to deal with the nuances that ingrained in such subject matter. Deception, manipulation, greed, and, at times, shocking violence all play a role in various episodes of the show.
Here are four of the darkest episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars with themes that certainly resonate with adults.