To be honest, the infamous “Nooooo!” scene from the end of Revenge of the Sith, doesn’t bother me as much as some others on this list. Still, seeing and hearing Darth Vader yell was awkward and does take one out of the film for a bit.
The scream makes sense as Vader is informed by Darth Sidious that in his anger he killed Padmé. Vader is obviously confused by this news, as she states how he sensed her still alive. He then is overcome with anger and through the dark side of the Force, begins crushing equipment near his recovery table. He then Frankenstein walks off said table and raises his arms and bellows the infamous “NOOOOO!”
As cringey as this scene turned out, it was what George Lucas wanted. He wanted the first moments of Darth Vader to be very Frankenstein-esque.
He definitely accomplished that feat.
Maybe it would’ve been better to just seem him lash out and maybe even attempt to kill Palpatine and then get overpowered by his master as he falls to his knees and moans or weeps. Instead, we hear Darth Vader scream and it is very odd.
The first moments of Darth Vader as we know him in the future films, was a part of Episode III that many fans were looking forward to the most, and it’s a shame part of it comes off very corny.