Padme Amidala
Speaking of Anakin losing loved ones, if both his father-figure and mother being murdered wasn’t enough of a push, his wife’s death was certainly the final nail in the coffin. Padme’s death was not only tragic, Star Wars having lost its queen-of-all-queens, but also marked the official end of anything that remained of the old Jedi Order and trusted Republic. Obi-Wan did survive Jedi Order 66, but Padme was a symbol of dependable law and order.
Being the youngest queen to ever rule Naboo and the only shining light in Anakin’s increasingly dark world, Padme’s death was a huge loss. Padme and Anakin, having first met on Tatooine when Padme was 14, shared an incredibly strong bond from the get-go that survived even during their time apart while Padme was off conducting politics and Anakin was training to be a Jedi. So, it makes sense that, after Anakin accused Padme of conspiring with Obi-Wan to betray him in Episode III and nearly choked her to death, Padme would die of a “broken heart” during childbirth.
On top of that, what makes Padme’s death even sadder is, while both Leia and Luke would one day meet their father, the twins would never get the chance to meet their mother.