Young Boba Fett
One would’ve thought that George Lucas would’ve learned his lesson about having child actors in Star Wars after the backlash that Jake Lloyd got for his portrayal of Anakin in The Phantom Menace. He either didn’t get wind of those or didn’t care, as he again thought it’d be a good idea for Star Wars fans to see an iconic character as a young child.
He was wrong. Young Boba Fett is a very bland character who is horribly acted by Daniel Logan.
For some reason, young Boba Fett can only talk in whispers. It’s not so apparent in the apartment when he meets Obi-Wan but more so later in the chase through the asteroid field. Young Fett is supposed to be excited and cheering his dad on. I guess he is, but his lines are delivered in basically whispers. He even laughs in a whisper. It’s very odd, distracting, and a little cringy.
There really isn’t anything that sticks out about young Boba Fett and he’s as bland as the generic blue clone-issued jumpsuit he wears. We were told that Jango Fett required an unaltered clone and that honestly would’ve been enough backstory for Boba Fett. We didn’t need to see Boba or at least as much as we did. He definitely didn’t need to have lines and if he did have to, then having a director that could’ve coaxed a better performance out of him, would’ve been helpful.
One of the best parts about Boba Fett was the mystery that surrounded him, and it turns out his backstory really isn’t all that exciting.