15 greatest Baby Yoda moments from The Mandalorian season 1

The Child is a mysterious alien pursued by bounty hunters and on behalf of the Imperial interests. THE MANDALORIAN streams exclusively on Disney+
The Child is a mysterious alien pursued by bounty hunters and on behalf of the Imperial interests. THE MANDALORIAN streams exclusively on Disney+
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Chapter 3. The Child and the Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) in THE MANDALORIAN, exclusively on Disney+
Chapter 3. The Child and the Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) in THE MANDALORIAN, exclusively on Disney+

Joystick or baby toy?

Of course, buttons are not the only bright and shiny new thing that captures Baby Yoda’s attention on the ship. Funnily enough, Baby Yoda is also obsessed with the silver orb at the top of the ship’s joystick. On multiple occasions, The Child climbs out of his pod to sneak his way to the front of the ship to steal the orb. Whatever the appeal is, we’re thrilled that to see how the power of a tiny little metal object can make an already cute character even more precious.

At first, Mando scolds Baby Yoda, saying, “This is not a toy,” as he takes back the orb from The Child, who is trying to fit the silver ball in his mouth. Whether it’s because he’s still teething after 50 years or just likes all things shiny, Baby Yoda continues to go after the orb and Mando eventually gives in, handing it over as The Child’s first toy.

Not only is it fun watching Baby Yoda act like a stereotypical infant or toddler, but it’s also enjoyable to watch Mando grow more affectionate of Baby Yoda and take actions that are more and more like a father, rather than a bounty hunter. There’s a good chance he enjoys seeing Baby Yoda smile as much as we do.