More Player Customization
Let me start off by saying that the game did offer a fair amount of customization. Players were allowed to design their own lightsaber, chose Cal’s poncho, BD-1’s color scheme and the Mantis’ exterior paint job.
However, not much else customization was offered beyond that. In past Star Wars single player games such as The Force unleashed and its sequel, players are given much more ability to customized their player’s appearance, with a variety of costume and outfits available to choose from, far beyond just a poncho.
Seeing as Cal and the Mantis’ crew travels to several different planets with varying climate and weather, it would stand to reason that he could pick up different outfits or disguises along his travels.
Additionally, other open world games such as Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption allow players to change their hair styles and facial hair, and adding touches to the game should such as those would allow players to become more immersed in the gameplay, in a way beyond the first entry into the series.