Star Wars: 6 of the most underrated characters
By Nik Edlund
Hux started off the Sequel Trilogy as a one-dimensional bad guy who is truthfully a little annoying. He acted like a petulant child at times and seemed to thrive at one-upping Kylo Ren any chance he got. Hux was a little too far over on the evil side and the anger and spite he exudes during his speech before Starkiller Base destroys the Hosnian system is exhausting.
Over the course of the sequels, we begin to see another side of Hux. As bad as he wants to impress his master Supreme Leader Snoke, he is often used as the whipping boy. We see in The Last Jedi, Snoke using the force to basically mop the floor with Hux, making him look like a fool in front of his inferiors. Later in the film, Hux gets a chance to take out his rival Kylo Ren for good, but hesitates and then Ren wakes up. He clearly hates his new Supreme Leader but also fears him enough that he’ll stay obedient.
In The Rise of Skywalker, Hux shows a new side. During the film, we find out there is a spy in the First Order. It turns out that spy is General Hux. Hux’s reasoning for being a spy is that he’d rather see the First Order fall then to see Kylo Ren win. He is willing to sabotage everything he’s stood for to make that happen. Hux does have some complexities to him. He’s evil to the core but what is stronger than his pure evil nature, is his hatred for Kylo Ren. This hatred drives him throughout the films until it eventually leads him to his death.