Rey’s Father
So when watching The Rise of Skywalker we eventually learn who Rey’s parents are. What Kylo Ren told her in The Last Jedi was at least partially true. They were nobodies, but that’s what they wanted her to think.
Turns out Rey’s father is the son of Chancellor Palpatine and his wife. Upon that news, viewers were immediately flooded with the image of a naked Sheev making love to a woman. After shaking that horrifying thought, the next logical question was who in her right mind would sleep with that disfigured evil bearer of unlimited power.
Now we find out that none of those questions even matter. Rey’s father wasn’t the son of the Senate, but a slightly defective clone. One would think that bombshell should’ve been maybe mentioned in the film itself?
That makes Rey closer to being Palpatine’s daughter rather than his granddaughter. Either way, the fact that Rey’s father is actually a clone of Palpatine is a stunning turn of events. In hindsight, it probably makes more sense than Palpatine having a lover, but it raises new questions.
Why wasn’t the faulty clone destroyed? There is probably some backstory there that will be revealed in some show or comic but it is intriguing to think about. It’s really mindboggling this important plot point was left out of the film by J.J. Abrams.
It wouldn’t have taken but a moment longer to add that fact in when Kylo Ren is telling Rey the truth about her parents and would’ve saved Star Wars fans the horrifying image of Chancellor Palpatine bedding a woman.