Star Wars: 5 times the Jedi messed up and doomed the galaxy

Star Wars: Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones (2002). Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd., All Rights Reserved
Star Wars: Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones (2002). Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd., All Rights Reserved
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Star Wars
Star Wars

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002).. Count Dooku (Christopher Lee).. Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd., All Rights ReservedThe Jedi Learn the Origins of the Clone Army — And do Nothing

In one of the most exciting arcs of the Clone Wars animated seriesn— and one of the most maddeningb— Obi-Wan and Anakin track down a new lead in the death of Syfo Dias and the origins of the Clone Army. Of course, they are lead to one of the men behind the curtain— Count Dooku.

Long story short: The Jedi find out  Jango Fett was telling the truth and he really was hired by a man named Tyrannus, Count Dooku and Tyrannus are the same person, and Dooku likely killed Syfo Dias to cover his tracks. Dooku even reiterated that he told Obi-Wan everything he needed to know on Geonosis.

Darth Sidious. The control over the senate. Everything. He doubled down on each of his claims.

Of course, once they realize Dooku certainly ordered the clone army for his enemies, the Jedi decide to… do nothing. Literally nothing.

They discovered the reddest flag of any flag that has ever existed and decide on business as usual. Doesn’t seem great.

Yoda goes as far as saying if the senate found out, faith in the war would be lost and they must continue to play the Siths’ game. I understand the logic, to an extent. But honestly, if I’m playing a game that is definitely rigged from the start, I stop playing the game.

I get that Yoda is 900 years old and he’s a little past his prime, but come on. There were other adults in the room. Somebody needed to step up.